We specialize in finding unique, indie pet products

PetShelf is an independent distributor that matches your store with awesome products


Find perfect products for your store

We use data to match your store with products that drive footraffic, fit your niche, or encourage repeat customers.

Sell unique items

Most of our products are not sold in major outlets and have passionate fans.

Spot the next big thing

Every brand starts somewhere. Our brands include some of tomorrow's biggest pet brands.

Support small business

Our partners are small businesses from local communities in the US.


Frequently asked questions answered

What products do you stock?

We have 500+ products in our catalog. Our main categories are pet food, treats, and toys.

Are your products from independent brands?

Yes. We primarily work with small US based pet brands. We don't work with the big brands.

Can I try products with no risk?

Yes. For some products, our brands will guarantee returns of unsold inventory for refund and arrange return shipping.

How do you match products to our store?

We use data provided by brands, a brief summary of your store and customers, geographic information on your location and an algorithm to create matches.

What products are good matches for my store?

A good match is one that accomplishes your store’s objectives. We highlight products that are likely to a) drive more traffic to your store, b) be a good fit for your customers, and c) win repeat business by encouraging your customers to come back. Often great fits are products that are unique, fit your niche, and create connections with your customers.

Where do you distribute?

We distribute to pet stores across the United States.

How do you distribute?

We will arrange shipping via courier or freight depending on the size of the shipment. Our wholesale prices include shipping.

What are your minimum order quantities?

Our minimum order quantity is $150, otherwise a shipping fee applies.

What are your payment terms?

We provide net 30 terms. Contact us if you require different arrangements.